Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cuenca Ladies Luncheon 10/10/2012

Today was the first time I attended the Wednesday weekly luncheon of Expat ladies.  Each week they try a different restaurant in mainly the central part of town (Old Town).   Today the luncheon was held at the Eucalyptus Cafe.  The Cafe is light filled with a glass roof and the room is charming.  There were about 9 ladies that came today.  

There are daily specials but you can also order off the regular menu.  I was excited to try their Pad Thai, since this is one dishe I'm very familiar with after all my travels to Thailand.  I even asked if they could make it spicy.

This is my dish of Pad Thai - it was not anything like Pad Thai and it was not the least bit spicy.  It was made with I think spaghetti noodles.  I would not order this dish again.  There were other dishes on the table that look much better to me.

Chicken wings with fries and two different sauces.  

The prices for lunch were very reasonable (to me).  I paid a total of $6 for my dish including a large bottle of bubble water (con gas).

Better than the food was the ladies sitting nearest to me.  I really enjoyed getting to know them and how they arrived here.  I was the real newbie at the table but they were all very welcoming.  It is nice to get out and meet people who have lead such interesting lives.  A couple of the ladies I chatted with had shipped a container of household items here and if I were to start again, I just might think about doing that.  But, since all our stuff is gone, I can not look back.  

Nice day and a most enjoyable group of ladies and I look forward to attending more of these luncheons and meeting more ladies.  


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