Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday = Waiting

Wednesday was a day of waiting at the condo for the cable TV people to show up and a handyman.  We had requested that a workman come and fix several of the draws in the kitchen because they really stick and are very difficult to pull out.  We have not had any TV since the day we arrived.  We have asked our Realtor to look it and fixed the afternoon we arrived.  It only took 8 mananas and they arrived late yesterday afternoon. 

Ed wanted to run down to Super Maxi to pick up a couple of things so he could make his world famous home made salsa.  One of the items we had not found was the jar of jalapenos.  We had used all the 5 pounds of tomatoes that we had bought at the Mercado for the Marinara sauce he made the other day, so he needed more tomatoes.  He had found out there was a dry cleaning / laundry store in that mall.  He had some clothes that needed to be laundered (pants and shirt that need to be ironed).  Ed learned the laundry store will also pick up and deliver if we phone them, great news.

While Ed was gone, I was holding down the fort and just praying that the cable TV man or handyman didn't show up while I was by myself.  Most of the repair men do not speak any English and there was no way I could explain what we needed nor understand him even if he fixed it.

Ed had returned from the grocery store and had just begun making his salsa when the two cable guys showed up.  Thank heavens Ed can speak Spanish because they guys just rattled on and talked to him.  They installed a new box and said it would take about 20 minutes for everything to be up and working.  We also have to go through our Realtor to get an extended cable plan with more channels, I wonder how long that will take... weeks or months!

Ed finished his salsa and asked me to taste test, I thought it needed a touch more jalapeno, then it was perfect.  We have noticed that the skins on the tomatoes and green bell peppers are a little thicker.  Ed boiled the tomatoes for his marinara sauce and also took out all the seeds.  He didn't do this for the salsa so it has a touch more fiber.

So, it was time to sit down and enjoy the rewards of Ed hard work.  We now keep of couple of mugs in the freezer and love an icy cold Pilsener.  The Doritos chips were pretty darn good and we'll know next time to pick up two bags (they're small) !
Last night's dinner was the last remains of the great beef stew Ed had made and we sat and watched Elvis in G.I Blues.  We had brought over about 75 movies from our collection that we thought we might like to see again.  After dinner, it was my turn to clean the kitchen.  Ed had gone into the office and called his sister, Theresa, to return their call.  We do love to be able to chat with family and friends.  It is frustrating when you're in the middle of a call and it gets dropped.  Poor Jim thought we were being rude and had just hung up on him while he was telling us a tale of his research into flights down here.  We reconnected and explained the situation.  The other problem with this system is that Ed will sit in front of the computer while I sit at the side of the desk and everyone has told us that can not hear me.  Well, we will have to work on that, I need to be heard!
Last evening our Realtor called and said the handyman could not come last night but some time on Thursday.  We explained that we had a full day of things that had to be done and we would not be available to sit and wait for him to show up at the condo.  We made arrangements for him to come next week. 
Manana does not mean tomorrow, it only means not NOW and some time in the future.  We are learning how have more patience and understanding of the ways here.  I remember while we lived on Anna Maria Island in Florida, we always talked about getting things done but it happened on "Island Time".  That system was at the speed of lightening compared to getting things done here.
Waiting and patience are being learned by us and living life slower is OK!

1 comment:

  1. MOM if you can swing a ticket I will come down and fix anything. I can help with your cable, internet, house hold repairs. No sé muy bien el español, pero que sin duda puede pedir una margarita. Por favor, tráeme un jarro de margaritas
